Friday, March 11, 2005

Fatlady Car

Today's inspiration is a little off the wall.... but here goes.

Whilst standing outside having a smoke (yes, I am uber healthy, I know) I spotted a really really fat lady sitting in her car stuffing her face with clearly labelled junkfood. I realized that I had seen her do this at least once before.

Then I saw her wash it down with a coke. All 6 teaspoons of sugar coke.

Now this inspires me on a number of levels.

Firstly, like all women, I think I am fat. I now know that I am not fat.
Secondly, it gives me the resolve to know that I will never be like that, even though I really want that packet of twisties, I really don't need to be like that.

Thirdly, well, there is no third. I was actually a little saddened by the sight and I am sorry to be inspired by your negative qualities Fat lady in Car. I think you should liberate yourself and get out of the car. Stuff your face in front of everyone. Stop hiding. Be proud. Be fat.
Just don't be me.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Not just any teddy bear

Today's inspiration comes from an article on entitled Techno teddy may babysit children.
Wow, what a world we live in.
And you thought The Jetsons was far-fetched.
Now I can happily settle for getting knocked up and know that I don't have to pay for a baby sitter.
I am truly inspired.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Hammy & Em

Today, I am inspired by my good friends Hammy and Emma.
They are awesome.
They are always there for me, and not just in that "I'm there for ya" way, in the real way, you know, being actively in my life even though we are 1000Km's apart.

Hammy is always speaking the truth. And I love his fucking attitude. It rocks.

Emma is always there to make me laugh. I think I would have imploded by now without her. She always helps me to keep it real, which is just as important as telling me my bum doesn't look big in these pants.

So this, my dear friends, is an ode to you.
In times of trouble you guys are there. You inspire me.

Saturday, March 05, 2005


Today's inspiration is Friday.
There are so many wonderful things about Friday.
Friday is Myday and sometimes it's a holiday, but mostly it's just a precursor to Saturday and Sunday which are Fundays. I love Fridays.
Oh and there is Freaky friday's and TG Fridays, my girl Friday, and let's not forget friday is poets day.

Yes, it's a lame first entry for my trashblog, but today Friday inspires me. And I will celebrate poets day with some wine and lament the passing of this wonderous Eve.