Fatlady Car
Today's inspiration is a little off the wall.... but here goes.
Whilst standing outside having a smoke (yes, I am uber healthy, I know) I spotted a really really fat lady sitting in her car stuffing her face with clearly labelled junkfood. I realized that I had seen her do this at least once before.
Then I saw her wash it down with a coke. All 6 teaspoons of sugar coke.
Now this inspires me on a number of levels.
Firstly, like all women, I think I am fat. I now know that I am not fat.
Secondly, it gives me the resolve to know that I will never be like that, even though I really want that packet of twisties, I really don't need to be like that.
Thirdly, well, there is no third. I was actually a little saddened by the sight and I am sorry to be inspired by your negative qualities Fat lady in Car. I think you should liberate yourself and get out of the car. Stuff your face in front of everyone. Stop hiding. Be proud. Be fat.
Just don't be me.